96716-39776 | 95410-79129


UNO ( United Nations Organisation. Founded in 1945 after the Second World War by 51 countries, committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights) –बान की मून (दक्षिण कोरिया)
IBRD  (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)-जिम योंग किम (अमेरिका)
IMF (International Monetary Fund)-क्रिस्टीन लेगार्ड (जर्मनी)
WTO – (World Trade Organisation)-राब्रट एजेवेडो (ब्राजील)
UNESCO – (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation)-इरिना बोकोआ ( बुल्गारिया)
ILO -( International Labour Organisation)- गायराइडर (यू.के)
UNICEF – (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund)एंथोनी लेक (अमेरिका)
WHO – (World Health Organisation)-मारग्रेट चान (चीन)
UNDP – ( United Nations Development Programme )-हेलन क़्लार्क (न्युजीलैण्ड)
SAARC – (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation)-अर्जुन कुमार थापा (नेपाल)
Common Wealthकमलेश शर्मा (भारत)
EU – (European Union)-हरमन वान रॉम्पुई (बेल्जियम)
OPEC -(Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries)-अब्दुल्ला सलेम अल बरदई (लिबिया)
NATO -(North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) –जेम्स स्टोलटेनबर्ग (नार्वे)
ADB – (Asian Development Bank)-ताकेहिको नकाओ (जापान)
INTERPOL -(International Criminal Police Organisation) –मिरेली बैलेस्त्राजी(फ्रांस)